
1234679_10151815278904738_642301259_nPerformance avond/ drukwerk

Met Jetske de Boer, Stefano Faoro, Eva Olthof, Patrícia Sousa, Marija Sujica & Miek Zwamborn

Engels gesproken

Voor Extrapools gastcuratorenproject Gastpost nodigt Eva Olthof vier kunstenaars en een grafisch ontwerper uit om met haar na te denken over de vraag of we ooit kunnen weten waar en hoe geschiedenis gemaakt wordt. Deze vraag is een verwijzing naar de film Sans Soleil (1983) van de Franse filmmaker Chris Marker. In deze essayfilm wordt de constructie van geschiedenis bevraagd. Het is een filmische, filosofische overpeinzing over geschiedenis en herinnering en de technologieën die het optekenen en opnemen.

In Do we ever know where history is really made? worden drukwerk en performancekunst (in de vorm van een beeldvertelling) gedurende het project parallel ontwikkeld. Op deze manier kunnen deze media elkaar informeren, contrasteren of aanvullen. Het resultaat is een variatie van werken waarin Europese geschiedenis in beeld wordt gebracht. Zo wordt er ingezoomd op het leven van een negentiende-eeuwse Britse paleontologe; vormt de documentatie van een fietstocht van Eemshaven naar Gdansk de basis voor een eigenzinnig verhaal en wordt een gecensureerde film, gemaakt in Portugal ten tijde van de dictatuur, aangevuld met nieuwe observaties.

Jetske de Boer (NL, 1976) is kunstenaar. Ze studeerde aan het Piet Zwart Institute te Rotterdam en woont en werkt in Rotterdam. www.staatsorgaan.nl

Stefano Faoro (IT, 1984) is grafisch ontwerper en studeerde aan de Werkplaats Typografie in Arnhem. Momenteel is hij verbonden aan de Jan van Eyck Academie in Maastricht. Hij woont en werkt in Berlijn en Maastricht.

Eva Olthof (NL, 1983) is kunstenaar. Ze studeerde aan het Dutch Art Instituut in Arnhem en woont en werkt in Rotterdam. www.evaolthof.nl

Patrícia Sousa (PT, 1981) is kunstenaar. Ze studeerde aan het Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem en woont en werkt in Rotterdam en Lissabon. www.patriciasousa.net

Marija Sujica (RS, 1981) is kunstenaar. Ze studeerde aan het Dutch Art Institute in Arnhem en woont en werkt in Haarlem/Amsterdam. www.marijasujica.wordpress.com

Miek Zwamborn (NL, 1974) is schrijver en kunstenaar. Ze studeerde aan de Gerrit Rietveld academie en woont en werkt in Amsterdam. www.miekzwamborn.nl

1003130_414911971957068_1583025284_nWithin the exhibition there will be two public readings of the texts which will contextualize author’s approach to the presented theme:

– On Tuesday 25th of June, Marija Sujica will analyze texts Against Ordinary Language: Language of the Body and The New York City in 1979 the chapter of the book Hannibal Lecter, My father by Kathy Acker.

– On Wednesday 26th of June, Vanja Smiljanic will present the film Unarius: The Arrival, which will be analyzed through the text In Free Fall: A Thought Experiment on Vertical Perspective, the chapter of the book The Wretched of the Screen by Hyto Steyerl.

Starting with publications developed during two year research process of these two artists, “Subset of a set (clinical feature of a metal, a crystal and a kettle)” is a performance where is treated a certain object and the phenomena of its’ transformation, from the perception of the book to the perception of a performance. Objects/documents in the exhibition space, become relics which are testifying de-teritorization procedure of a mental space of the book. In the process there is a tendency to evoke observers ‘perception and to confront him/her with cannons of engagement with the book. Examining the use value of objects integrated in both publications, the idea is to enfold their mobilized structure and consequently abolish their status of intangibility. This process of transformation is a core of the performance.

This performance is reflecting upon two publications which were published last year.

Vanja Smiljanic is the author of the first book Metal, but at the same time… it’s a crystal.
The concept of this artistic publication is remediation of the fictional archive “Library of Light”, online data base which gives identity to the religious organization called Cosmic People. The book is a product of a two year project during which was developed a series of attempts to infiltrate artist’s works in the “Library of Light” archive. Within four months more than sixty letters were sent to Ivo A. Benda, the founder and leader of Cosmic People. The failure in succeeding her plan caused questioning of the structure and criteria of access to archives, as well as it posed the question what means to be rejected from a cult.

The second book Most Of The Time Not At All Always is a publication developed by Marija Sujica. The idea of Sujica’s artistic publication is to reflect upon artist’s relation towards pre-established norms which are being adjusted, deconstructed and reformed. Generating a system of writing funeral speeches is a starting point of her publication.
Funeral speech is treated as a text which evokes the decedent by combing his/her personal data and indicating a mental picture of an absent subject.

Texts will be available on the opening of the exhibition. The visitors are free to take the texts and to join in their group analyze.

Karadjordjeva 59, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia

John Cage wrote Postcard from Heaven in 1982 as a music piece for 1 to 20 harps.

Postcard from Heaven will be performed in parallel this weekend; whilst the Harpists of the Amsterdam Conservatorium perform at Rainy Days 2012, Festival de Musique Nouvelle in Luxemburg, we shall perform Relatively Rigid at the Kunstvlaai in Amsterdam.

Relatively Rigid is a text piece performed by:

Marija Sujica

Witta Tjan

Daniela Wick

Mariana Zamarbide

Sunday 25th November

Kunstvlaai – www.kunstvlaai.nl/2012

(former) Sint Nicolaas Lyceum, Prinses Irenestraat 21,

1077 WT, Amsterdam

18:00 – room A 2-8

September 14th – 16th, 2012
Station Berlin, “Bananenhalle”
Luckenwalder Strasse 4-6
10963 Berlin